Maarten K. Sabbe
Maarten K. Sabbe (assistant professor) is member of the Laboratory for Chemical Technology and the Industrial Catalysis and Adsorption research group. His research deals with first principles and experiment-based reaction engineering for various chemical processes with a main focus on quantitative prediction of chemical reaction rates, mainly for polymerization chemistry, zeolite & noble metal catalysis and radical chemistry. For the latter he received the EFCE Excellence award in Chemical Reaction Engineering 2010 of the European Federation for Chemical Engineering for an outstanding PhD thesis. He has been visiting researcher at the ENS Lyon (France) and in the Reuter group (TUM, Munich, Germany).
He is involved in teaching the courses ‘Physical Chemistry’, ‘Industrial Inorganic Chemistry’ and ‘General Chemistry’ to the Bachelor of Science in Chemical Engineering Technology and ‘Chemistry of Industrial Processes’ to Master of Science in Chemical Engineering, and is secretary of the Educational council (Opleidingscommissie) Master of Science in de industriële wetenschappen: chemie.