Chemical Technology

The Laboratory for Chemical Technology (LCT) integrates chemical science and engineering in its research on catalysis, polymerization, kinetics, reactor design and process design. LCT is part of the Department of Materials, Textiles and Chemical Engineering within the Faculty of Engineering and Architecture at Ghent University in Belgium and member of the Centre for Sustainable Chemistry (CSC) of Ghent University. LCT aims at research excellence and bottom-up innovation in the framework of technological, industrial, and societal challenges.

Energy & Environmental Science publication on minimization of CO2 emissions from the steel industry with electricity: a quantitative assessment


Marian Flores-Granobles and Mark Saeys addressed the steel industry’s decarbonization debate in a paper just published in Energy & Environmental Science. The steel industry uses carbon as reducing agent to remove oxygen from iron ore to produce hot metal in the blast furnace. Strategies to capture and store (CCS), utilize (CCU) or avoid CO2 emissions (H2-based) in steel production exist, but require vastly different amounts of renewable electricity. This study recommends the combination of CCS and CCU (CCUS) as the most efficient strategy, since the energy content of the blast furnace gas is used to produce value-added chemicals, thereby minimizing electricity requirements, while CO2 emissions are reduced with CCS.

Link: https://pubs.rsc.org/en/content/articlelanding/2020/ee/d0ee00787k#!divAb...